Lockwood Vets 01902 605080
Rosewood Vets 01902 671777
Burton Vets 01283 510363
Hednesford Vets 01543 878625
Blackheath Veterinary Centre 0121 559 1599
Bearwood Veterinary Clinic 0121 429 1400


Same day appointments available at the reception

Our friendly reception staff will always endeavour to offer you a same day appointment, and we will try to accomodate any requests to see a particular Veterinary surgeon or nurse. We offer appointments seven days a week for your convenience.

Our surgeries offer consultations by appointment seven days a week, and we will always endeavour to offer a same day appointment if requested. Our friendly, helpful receptionists will strive to make your appointment at a mutually convenient time, and with the veterinary surgeon of your choice. All of our veterinary surgeons have a wealth of clinical experience which they bring to every consultation.

Clinical notes are made on the health of your pet, so that over time we can build a picture of your pet's general wellbeing. It is your time with our vets so make use of it, and ask any questions you may have. We are here to be of assistance. Our highly trained staff will explain the findings of their clinical examination to you, and offer advice as necessary.

We are able to offer home visits if required, although these do need to be booked well in advance where possible so that we can make provision to provide this service to you.

We look forward to seeing you in our surgery soon.

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